One of the most memorable experiences for Coldplay concert goers is watching the colors light up to the beat of the music. Coldplay left a pretty high standard for this one. The colors were obtained by the audience from the wristbands distributed before entering the concert area. The small white wristband had a very big role when the stadium lights were turned off and Chris Martin started the Coldplay concert.
Xylobands must also be returned when the audience has finished watching Coldplay's performance. Coldplay usually records in percentages how many audience members return their Xylobands at the next concert. So, what exactly is Xyloband? How does it work? And since when has it been used by Coldplay?
Xyloband is a wristband containing light-emitting diodes and a radio frequency receiver launched by RB Concepts Ltd, a company founded by entrepreneur Clive Banks with inventor Jason Regler.
The lights inside the bracelet can be controlled by a software program, which sends signals to the bracelet, commanding it to light up or blink, for example. The single-color version is available in green, blue, yellow, red, pink, and white. The way the Xyloband works is made of a thick plastic material with LEDs inside. There is also a radio signal receiver placed inside the bracelet. The receiver will receive wireless signals from the controller sent by the operator.
When did Coldplay start using it?
The first large-scale use of Xyloband was on Coldplay's Mylo Xyloto tour in 2012. One Xyloband unit was given to each audience member before entering the concert area. When the concert takes place, the Xyloband brings out flickering lights that have been synchronized with the music.
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